
Unit 15. Episode 2. Ann Was My Best Friend.

Unit 15. Episode 2. Sarah meets her old friend Ellen.


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Ellen Good afternoon, Sarah.
Sarah Oh, hi Ellen. What a nice surprise! Where are you going?
Ellen I’m going to the city center. I’m  meeting Ann there.
Sarah Is it Ann from our class?
Ellen Yes! It’s wonderful you still remember her.
Sarah She was my best friend when we were kids.
Ellen Oh, right, you were from the same street.
Sarah Yes! They were our neighbours.
Ellen I remember.
Sarah So is she here now? She was in London a year ago.
Ellen Yes, she still lives there. She’s here to visit her family. But she prefers living in the United Kingdom.
Sarah Where does she work?
Ellen She works at a bank. She’s an accountant.
Sarah I see. Ann was a very smart girl. I remember that she had a small dog, Buddy, and they were always together.
Ellen Yes, I remember too! He was a funny dog.
Sarah We were a group of three – Sarah, Alice and me.
Ellen Yes, you were always together.
Sarah Exactly! We had a lot of the same interests.
Ellen Hey Sarah! Don’t you want to meet Ann?
Sarah Of course I do!
Ellen Then let’s go together.
Sarah But is it ok? Maybe you want to be alone?
Ellen No, no! Don’t worry!
Sarah Great! Thank you!
Ellen You’re welcome.


Download Unit 15 – Activities