
Unit 11. Episode 2. Where is the Bakery?

Unit 11. Episode 2. David asks Sarah for directions. Listen to them.


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David Sarah, my brother’s birthday is next week …
Sarah When is his birthday?
David It’s on Tuesday.
Sarah Ok! How can I help you?
David I need to buy a cake. But I don’t know a good bakery.
Sarah I can offer a good bakery, Sweet Dreams.
David Where is it?
Sarah Do you know Park Street?
David Yes, I do.
Sarah Good! The bakery is on Park Street. It’s next to the cinema.
David I know the cinema.
Sarah Good! You go down Park Street.․․
David Ok! So I go down Park Street …
Sarah There is a supermarket on the right. The bakery is next to the supermarket.
David Is it near Tom’s Restaurant?
Sarah Yes, it is. It’s between the Restaurant and the supermarket.
David Ok! Thank you.
Sarah There is also a gift store on that street.
David And where is that gift store?
Sarah It’s the store on the left.
David Next to the school?
Sarah Right!
David Thank you, for your help Sarah.
Sarah You’re welcome!

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