
Unit 9. Episode 2. At the Supermarket.

Unit 9. Episode 2. David and his mother are at the supermarket. Listen to them. 


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David’s mother Take a shopping basket, David.
David What do we need, Mom?
David’s mother Wait, I have a shopping list. We need to buy fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products.
David Ok. Let’s go to the fruit and vegetables section first. What do we need?
David’s mother We need six bananas, two kilos of apples and five oranges.
David Do we need vegetables?
David’s mother Oh yes! Get a kilo of potatoes, 2 kilos of tomatoes and a kilo of cucumbers.
David What else?
David’s mother Let’s go to the dairy section. We need half a kilo of cheese, a carton of milk and yogurts.
David How many yogurts do we need?
David’s mother We need five yogurts.
David Ok. Let’s go to the bakery section. How much bread do we need?
David’s mother We need a loaf of bread
David Ok! Anything else Mom?
David’s mother Let me see. We need half a kilo of pork and half a kilo of chicken.
David Ok. Anything else?
David’s mother 10 eggs and that’s it.


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